Omnichannel platform for digital payment management

Apr 2020 - Mar 2021
Admin Panel Redesign
UX & Product design
Project Overview
The Culqi's panel needed a complete redesign to have a better connection with its audience. This included building a robust design system, a new information architecture and a coherent visual language.
My Contributions
Started conducting interviews and testings to validate initial concepts and assumptions. I also led the creation of a cross-product design system and set the ways of working and guidelines for new designers.
Project Summary
πŸ’’  The problem
The Culqi's panel serves as the main tool for visibility on digital and physical payments to all customers. The constant user complaints and the lack of understanding is what pushed the decision to rethink this product.
πŸŽ–  Solution approach
From the get go, we knew that we needed to learn a lot from our users, but that was not enough, there was also a need to redefine the whole Culqi's visual language, so I led the creation of a new design system.

Feature section

The feature layout is built with flex, like the hero layout. Don’t like our typesetting? You can update every detail in the typography section of the Style panel.
You can also add spacing between the heading and paragraph, swap a video in for the image, or add a button. Just make sure to drop your button into the div block that contains this content.

🎯  Project Scope
This project was part of an entire plan to enhance the user experience of Culqi's products, which by the time had lots of inconsistencies and usability problems.

With an ambitious roadmap, we started with the core customer product, Culqi's Panel, a platform where users have visibility over payments from their online stores, manage their business online and much more

Our main objective as a team was to have a fully understanding on the user behavior, pain points and areas of improvement in our panel through an initial user research to see if we are giving the right solution. On another hand, we had products that didn't speak the same language. Different styles, components and overall look and feel made it hard for the users to navigate with ease and get the information the needed quickly.
πŸŽ–  The challengues
As we talk with our users, we found that the lack of engagement and satisfaction with our panel was a critical issue, because this was supposed to be the one tool they need to manage their businesses correctly with the help of Culqi's Checkout widget integrated on their online stores.
  • Have a better understanding on the user behavior from our current panel
  • Conduct user interviews to understand the value the perceive from this product.
  • Redefine the information architecture and user flow emphasizing the core needs based on findings and insights.
  • Build a brand new design system for the entire Culqi's product ecosystem.
The old version of the panel had lots of usability and inconsistency problems
πŸ“Œ  Project kickoff
With many things on the table, we start thinking what to address first. So we decided how the kickoff should be:
  • Talking with users, gather findings, feedback and insights to start redefining the overall experience of our panel.
  • Unifying the Culqi's product ecosystem into one single visual language with a design system built from scratch, using the fresh new panel experience as a pilot.
While we were busy reaching our users to learn more about their needs, we had lots of discussions with dev and product team to start working collaboratively on our design system. Luckily, after some negotiation, the team agreed with the benefits of new components, styles and visual language. With everyone's approval, the work began.

How might we...

Create more value for our panel so that it is perceived as a complete and necessary tool in the business core of Culqi's clients?

πŸ’‘  What we shipped
We built some wireframes and tested them out with our users. After conducting many usability testings, we felt really confident about our final designs for the new panel, along with the fresh visual assets from our new design system.
πŸ’‘  Key learnings
After all this work that lasted several months. I learnt that:
  • It's always better to talk with users even if you think you know the exact problems that need to be addressed, they always give the right direction to your decisions.
  • Sometimes we need to take the hard path even tho some people may not like it. I negotiated a lot with stakeholders to make our design system possible. As a designer I knew that a redesign was not enough, we needed to create a unify experience for all products, and I made sure everyone in the team understood that.
  • A company rebranding is one of the best situations to build a new design system, with new design principles I was able to quickly create the foundations for our system.
  • Bigger challenges may require smaller steps. All the changes we wanted to make wouldn't happen overnight, so a clear organization is always an ally, with everything on a schedule and the detailed tasks, I was able to deliver everything we need to rebuild Culqi's panel.
Next case study

Unified app experience for schools, teachers and parents